The Vale of Cashmere located along south Prospect Park used to look just like how it is in the picture. The breath-taking scenery with a grand fountain would bring joy to anyone. What was once and flowing pond filled with exotic fish and turtles down suffer under overgrown weeds. As we took a deeper look on the heritage of this area we were very surprised to find out that this area began to form 17,000 years ago when the
Wisconsin glacier began to melt creating an 60 foot slope. Park designers Olmsted and Vaux began to modernized this area by putting the rose garden with giant pool of water filled with aquatic plants and little boats for children to play on. After being takenover by the Prospect Park Alliance, construction in this area began to disappear with the creation of playgrounds, Wollman's rink and the Prospect Park Zoo. Prospect Park eventually turned off all the water flowing to this area and maintenance was decreased. This led to an unkempt brush of twigs, weeds, grass and garbage.
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