Hello there! Wednesdays at the Bronx Zoo are always free....so that is when all the families and people come to the zoo! Today was a like any other summer Wednesday at the Bronx Zoo. I went around today and saw many attractions. First, I went down to the Madagascar exhibit which is always really fun to see but I would recommend really taking your time to look through and read all about the animals and their habitats (because you learn a lot of information if you take your time).
Photo by: Nebraas Shahzad |
After that, I went to Wild Asia and watched a dinosaur show. Veronica, who is a Bridging the Gap student at Central Park Zoo, is interning with the Wildlife Theater and was there watching the crowd to make sure they were doing what they were suppose to (and monitor anything they were not). I talked to her a little bit about how Bridging the Gap was for her and she told me that she wasn't really planning on going to college but now, she is interested in attending college because of Bridging the Gap! She also told me that she believed working at a zoo would be a easy job but realized due to the program that it really is not and just like any other job it takes hard work.
Photo By: Nebraas Shahzad |
The show was very nice to watch and the audience seemed really engaged. Something else I did today was go to the sea bird aviary to watch bird feeding. There were a lot of people there-so I didn't get to see much. However, after some of the crowd left, it was fun to watch and I enjoyed it very much. Something else I did today and do almost every day is pay attention to my surroundings. I walked around, took my time, and noticed all of the little details around me like children crying, chipmunks roaming around everywhere, pretty flowers here and there, people yelling and people laughing. I always think everyone should take a little bit of their time just to notice their surroundings because you can learn something new everyday just by doing that!
Photo By: Nebraas Shahzad |
What experience have you had while visiting a zoo on a non Bridging the Gap day? Have you visited any other zoos besides the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, and NY Aquarium? Leave a comment on your experience with zoos!
-Nebraas Shahzad
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